Light-Weavers MOON Invitation.png


If you are drawn to animals and have been fascinated with them for a long time, there is a reason. They are communicating with you. Just as your pet provides you with unconditional love and understanding, there are more animals out there who want to communicate with you to help you better your personal life and All Life on the planet.
We often forget that Animals are the sacred keepers of so much knowledge, guidance support and love. Wouldn’t you want to experience connecting with them in a way that you could receive their wisdom to be used for your own personal healing, that of your community and the world at large?

It is my mission to bring to you their messages and to connect you with the Higher Intelligence of Nature and Spirit so that you too can partake in healing yourself and the world, in a way that is unique and feels good to you. We are all lightweavers, sent here on a mission to help the earth in some way. If you love animals and nature then this is a beautiful way to connect with the direct guidance, wisdom and love that they hold and want to share with you for your own benefit and the Greater Good.

I was guided to create Light-Weavers for those who, like myself, are always looking for ways to deepen their connection to spirit by getting still and learning to receive the messages and wisdom of Nature. The monthly guided meditations and ceremony will provide messages from the animals and other nature beings such as the elements and plant life, which can directly help to empower you on your journey.

This unique and special monthly event is perfect for ALL nature and animal lovers.

And if you find yourself saying “yes!” to any of the following, Light-Weavers was made just for you:

  • Do you regularly see animals on your path and intuitively sense they are omens yet wonder what they their presence means?

  • Do you have a strong connection with a particular animal or group of animals and want to learn how to understand and connect with their wisdom better?

  • Did you used to speak to nature as a child and felt a strong bond to her and the nature beings but now feel you have grown disconnected from or completely lost that magical ability as you have grown older?

  • Do you wish you could help heal the suffering of all sentient beings but have little time or ability to physically volunteer or be of service to the people (including yourself), animals and the Earth whom you love so dearly?

    If one or more of these resonate with you, then you have come to the right place! This monthly event was created so that you can access the guidance and wisdom from the higher intelligence that is Nature, who wants the best for you and so that you can learn directly from the animals as to what action steps need to be taken in your life which will lead to the betterment of life on this planet.

    You will learn what it feels like to be bathed in the highest vibrations of pure love and light, opening you up to the infinite potential for healing and rebirth, for yourself and all that you hold sacred.

    I cannot wait for you to join myself, the animals and our powerful tribe of gentle warriors, as we begin light-weaving a new reality for us all.

Calendar for 2020

Tuesday March 10th, 2020 (worm moon) at 1pm EST/ 10am PST/ 6pm UK

Tuesday April 7th, 2020 (pink moon) at 1pm EST/ 10am PST/ 6pm UK

Tuesday May 5th, 2020 (flower moon) at 1pm EST/ 10am PST/ 6pm UK

Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 (strawberry moon) at 1pm EST/ 10am PST/ 6pm UK

Tuesday July 7th, 2020 (buck moon) at 1pm EST/ 10am PST/ 6pm UK

(There will be no Light-Weavers during the month of August)

Tuesday September 1st, 2020 (corn moon) at 1pm EST/ 10am PST/ 6pm UK

Tuesday October 6th, 2020 (hunter’s moon) 1pm EST/ 10am PST/ 6pm UK

Tuesday December 1st, 2020 (beaver moon 1pm EST/ 10am PST/ 6pm U


LET KatE be your guidE:

Kate Ballo has been studying shamanic practices, energy healing and animal communication for the last decade of her life. She has found that journeying with her spirit guides and communicating with the animals have had a profound effect on her mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Now, she invites YOU to connect with the animal kingdom in order to assist in personal and global healing & transformation.

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